About Me

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Mo Citay, TX, United States
Young girl in the Southwest, trying to get my shit together. In a great relationship, writing about daily struggles and goals and plans. Hope I can entertain you.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Shawna's Tub

Why is it I feel more inspired to write when I am on the actual blogspot site than when in documents? I jus can never seem to write anything. Though I guess it' different now because I am typing right now. Oi I feel sick.

I thought I was constipated but no.

For some reason I wanted to share that with you bloggie.

I told my sister whether I get this comp or the desktop I am naming it Steve, don't know why and do not think I need a reason. Big piece a clear scotch tape reading “STEVE” possibly in tribute to the poorly declining Steve-O who is a true badass with some shitty problems. I hope he can get his shit together before something fatal happens, even if he wants it.

It is amazing the random things I care about. Wow. My good awesomely cool friend Issy has started a blog so here is a link if you'd like to read about someone elses problems. I love the guy and his life is like a frikkin drama or something; http://indeliblesin.blogspot.com/

I love you people even if you do not exist I love all those who act with reason and intelligence and you are not a fucking drone. Rock the FUCK on!


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