About Me

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Mo Citay, TX, United States
Young girl in the Southwest, trying to get my shit together. In a great relationship, writing about daily struggles and goals and plans. Hope I can entertain you.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Exercise Freak

Well I've become very anti-american. I am jogging at least every other day and go to my friends gym as much as possible. Maybe this will become my new vice. In fact I believe it already has. I find it so relaxing and sometimes almost like a form of self mutilation. Running until it's hard to breathe and my legs ache in exhaustion. Pushing yourself harder and harder. Though I honestly feel as though I am not pushing myself as hard as I could. I must have what psychologist refer to as an addictive personality. Anything I gain some interest in I then become obsessed, addicted to ideas, to clothes, movies, shows, lifestyles, music, exercising, etc,. What will be my next addiction I wonder....

I wish I could pick an choose these addictions as my mind does, unknowingly of me. How nice it would be to become addicted to working and studying, instead of having to force myself to focus on the pages in my GED home study guide. However, I am not so lucky. I will now try to force knowledge upon my impending brain. Goodbye non existent readers! ^_^

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