For some reason I don't want to tell anyone at work about my situation. However I think I should simply for the fact that I am very distracted and normally make hardly any mistakes, and yesterday I was doing bad. I think if the female manager is there I will tell her so she can understand why I might be slow and distracted or crying n such. I jus hope it isn't to busy or there will be alot to do. But still my mind wonders and there is not enough to think about other than my current situation.
Oh yeah I didn't say earlier but I got drunk as HEEEELL last night. It actually helped alooot. Wine Merlot, some brand with a Kangaroo on it, is very tasty. I was gulpin that shit by the end. Over half the bottle, I hope Debbie doesn't get angry >.>. I had fun chatting las night and taking pics though.
Oi, but then Rick txt Shawna and I had her phone cause I was using it for pictures. So I told him I was okay how was he because I had seen what he did. He said he jus wanted to know how I was doing. For some reason I called him and he ended up crying and saying he had to go and hanging up. We talked three times. I need to do reps.
I am gonna run on treadmill now, I am sure I will have something to post about tonight.
oh yes and that ^ is a pic from las night during drunkeness, and I was crying though you cannot tell :(
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