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Mo Citay, TX, United States
Young girl in the Southwest, trying to get my shit together. In a great relationship, writing about daily struggles and goals and plans. Hope I can entertain you.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Queen Bitch

So this is a good fucking point, right?

I was bitching to Shawna about how this decision of leaving Rick, especially after sleeping with him las night, isn't as hard as, oh say, her sisters?

I felt so guilty, and Shawna told me how she is also, of course :(, having a hard time cause her bf is moving far and won't have a car and I know how that sucks actually. When Rick was in Jail, Rehab, and Baytown. So I guess I do know how she feels. We both know we have to help each other and know that it could be so much harder and there will be harder points later on.

Now I want to do something for Sarah, I wish I could watch him for her or something, so she could get rest. I just don't think I could, I wouldn't know what to do or what helps. I wish I could help. Maybe Shawna and I can figure out something when Kaden is out of the hospital.

Oi, I am in a low, and of course I am going to be on my period soon so that doesn't help. Not to mention I don't have my meds. Eeeegh....

UNDER PRESSURE, gotta love David Bowie and Queen, fuck yeah.

How do I go about doing this? I am so fucked.

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