About Me

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Mo Citay, TX, United States
Young girl in the Southwest, trying to get my shit together. In a great relationship, writing about daily struggles and goals and plans. Hope I can entertain you.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Finally a real computer

What is there for me to do now? i must work very hard from now on. i need to find a new job, study and continue with my exercise regime. i hope i can become a better person, one capable of loving and not hurting so. i want to help people become better and realize their horrid ways. i don't understand, and yet i do, how people can be so wicked. what drives a person to be so hateful to someone they do not even know. why do people act this way? do they really think that money or education entitles you to treat others as though they are lesser creatures? i just don't understand it....i have had a reasonably difficult life, though not as difficult as some and i suppose this allows me to have a different view than those born wealthy and mostly problem free. Not saying wealthy people do not have problems but they do not face the dread of wondering how you will survive, how you will clothe and feed yourself. why is it these people find it so hard to view life from a different perspective? i find it very easy to look at a person and assume reasonably accurate things about people from gestures, clothes the way they walk and talk. the ability to read people well is a gift i enjoy and hate. what can i do...every time i study a person for the slightest amount of time i can tell something about them. i wonder if i will some day be able to use this for something good. i hope.

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