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Mo Citay, TX, United States
Young girl in the Southwest, trying to get my shit together. In a great relationship, writing about daily struggles and goals and plans. Hope I can entertain you.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Frustrated as all Hell

I cannot stand my nine year old niece. I almost cry over the matter. She's fucking relentless.

I don't understand why she has singled me out. She treats me like such shit, and what do other adults say when she acts this way? NO ONE cares about reprimanding her, people will tell her so lightly that what she says is rude or not nice, but no one punishes her. They assume I provoke a nine year old girl, because I love having this kind of relationship with my niece.

I am so fed up I want to bawl and just slap the shit out of her. I will do my best to not let either of these happen. I know she is a child, and one who lost her father at that, but I was always nice to Kaylie, we always had a good relationship. And now I try even harder to be nice during those few moments that she decides not to act like a complete brat.

I'm so frustrated and lost, confused, feeling empty and just so completely fuckin lost.

Why does she still seek my younger sisters attention when they've always had a bad relationship? I don't get it.

I wish I could let myself cry.

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