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Mo Citay, TX, United States
Young girl in the Southwest, trying to get my shit together. In a great relationship, writing about daily struggles and goals and plans. Hope I can entertain you.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Kinda Pissed

So I found this site where they basically bitch out kids for cutting themselves and or trying to kill themselves. Granted, some kids are annoying and trying to get attention. Though wouldn't you think for a child to go tha extreme something is obviously wrong with them? It isn't that they FAILED AT LIFE! It's tha someone severely fucked them up or they have some comprehending of some shit tha you will never understand.

I am a fucking cutter. I don't do it for show. I don't hope people will ask and point it out. Fucking thoughts cannot be stopped and the only way to end the flow of fucked up thought is by distracting your mind. The only way to know you won't fucking forget some stupid ass shit you did was to MAKE yourself remember FORCE IT UPON YOURSELF. So you leave a scar and you will NEVER forget. Some of us might be pussies but do you know what it takes to sit there and carve and sit in your fucking mind trying to wake yourself up?


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